FleaScreen Combo Spot-on Solution
If you have to get rid of cat fleas, the prevention and the cure are just as important. Even if you’ve managed to stop the infestation, you’ll need to prevent a flea outbreak from happening again. With Fleascreen Combo Spot-on solution for cats, you can make sure both parts of the job are done properly. More information on preventing cat fleas can be found in our Pet Health Hub.
FleaScreen Combo is a spot-on treatment that is applied between the shoulder blades. It is suitable for use in households with both cats and dogs. Always read the label and prevent other pets from licking the treatment – consider separation. Flea treatment is available in one size for cats weighing 1-8kg. For the best results, all animals in the house should be treated with a suitable flea treatment ideally every 4 weeks. Continuous regular treatments help prevent fleas from finding their way onto your pet’s fur and their eggs being distributed throughout the house. Fleas from cats and dogs can infest the animal’s bedding or other areas where they often go. Regular vacuuming and the use of a suitable household spray may be needed if there is a heavy flea infestation.
Controlling Fleas
Controlling fleas is only part of protecting your pet and your family against harmful parasites. Provide your pet with effective flea and worm treatments regularly, to combat external parasites such as fleas and internal parasites like the roundworm Toxocara canis that can be passed to humans. Regular treatments help break the lifecycles of these parasites, helping to keep your pet and your family healthy and pest free. For more in depth information on cat fleas, including symptoms and causes, please visit the following page on our Pet Health Hub.
Warnings: Only use FleaScreen Combo for cats if your cat is aged 8 weeks or older, and weighs more than 1kg. Do not use if your cat is sick or recovering from an illness. Do not use if your cat has a hypersensitivity to the active ingredients or any of the ingredients. Do not apply on wounded or damaged skin. Do not use on rabbits, as adverse reactions including death can occur.
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